
Season 8 Episode 5 Hope Among Us

Tina Conrad

About the book:
Three local breast cancer survivors and friends from Elk Grove just published a new book, Hope Among Us: Stories of Three Young Breast Cancer Survivors. They provide raw, honest accounts of our breast cancer journeys. They were diagnosed with the same kind of breast cancer, and were treated at the same hospital. They also interviewed their mothers who are all breast cancer survivors. Their book was just published in January. It is available on Amazon in 3 formats: paperback, hardcover, and Kindle ebook.

About the authors:
Rhonda Eyzaguirre, PhD, is a school psychologist and mother of two children. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017, and completed active treatments in May 2018. She is a co-author of Hope Among Us: Stories of Three Young Breast Cancer Survivors.

Jennifer Dresser is a two-time cancer survivor and mother of four children. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, and had a recurrence in 2019. She completed active treatments in June 2020. She is a co-author of Hope Among Us.

Mari Guzman is an attorney and mother of two children. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, and completed active treatments in November 2020. She is a co-author of Hope Among Us.